Who is Holy Spirit

Depiction of Holy Spirit desending to earth as a dove.

Depiction of Holy Spirit desending to earth as a dove.


"I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, so that He may be with you forever; [the Helper is] the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know [Him, but] you know Him because He remains with you and will be in you."

John 14:16-17, New American Standard Bible 

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead. As such, we need to know Who the Holy Spirit is and what His function is in our lives.

When Jesus's time to return to the Father had come, He promised not to leave His disciples without comfort; He promised to send "another Helper."

When Jesus said this, He was intentional, communicating to the disciples they would not be left alone. He promised to send the Holy Spirit, a Comforter "just like" Himself. In practical terms, He communicated to His disciples, them then and us now, we will feel the same safety, love, grace, and empowerment being in communion with His Holy Spirit, as they felt physically walking with Him every day.

Though there is no physical relationship with the Holy Spirit, His presence is tangible. The Holy Spirit can be sensed and felt just like the perfect breeze by the beach on a hot summer day.

Just as the Father is God and Jesus is God, Holy Spirit is God. This truth is not a picture of polytheism; instead, this is the mystery of our Holy Trinity, three persons in one Godhead. When you hear Father, you hear Jesus and Holy Spirit. When you see Jesus, you see Father and Holy Spirit. When you sense Holy Spirit, you sense Father and Jesus. 

This is one aspect of Who God is that is essential to understand to mature and function as a disciple. When Jesus walked the earth, he fully understood, He, Holy Spirit, and Father are One. Thus, we must live our lives in communion with our triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Heavenly Father, Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus, to save, heal, and deliver us. He alone is the Way, Truth, and the Life, and we see You through His life that He freely gave to us. Father, Jesus promised to send us the Holy Spirit as another Comforter, Advocate, and Intercessor, to help us and empower us as we walk through this life. We confess that we have not given the focused attention needed to know Holy Spirit as we have You and Jesus. Holy Spirit, You are here with us and will be in us, we only need to ask you. Holy Spirit fill and empower us again, just as you filled the first disciples in Acts 2.


Over the next few weeks, we will study and discover the Holy Spirit's nature, work, and ministry to us and through us. We welcome you to join us on this journey.

Ways to connect:

  1. Check our schedule and join us for in-person or online discipleship groups.

  2. Join My.BibleTC.com to download the notes and have great connections and discussions with fellow disciples who are studying the Holy Spirit with you.

Michelle Jackson

Chaplain Michelle Jackson is the President and Lead Elder of Church Builders Bible Training Center based in Grand Rapids, MI.  Michelle believes every human at every age and stage of life has a life assignment to fulfill and her passion is to help them find it and pursue it.  Michelle serves her community at multiple businesses as a Marketplace Chaplain. Michelle is an ordained minister through Church Builders International.


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