Secret to Success

Notebook page that says, "Take Note: Your private time with God will prepare you for public crises."

“The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, he will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.”

I Samuel 17:37, English Standard Version

All of our life successes are noteworthy. Don’t lay them aside because they arise from challenges that “come with the territory” or are “part of the job.” When David attended to his father’s sheep, he fought and defeated the wild animals that wanted lamb chops for supper. Such conquests with lions and bears were regular occurrences for one tending sheep.  It was part of the job. It came with the territory of being a shepherd. No one thought it noteworthy. But those private experiences held a powerful lesson for David, and he knew it.  He was prepared for this public crisis with Goliath. 

When David heard the threat from Goliath, he could hardly believe no one from the Israeli army would accept the challenge. He had to convince them to let him face Goliath. Listen to his words in 1 Sam. 36. “Your servant has killed both lion and bear, and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, seeing he has defied the armies of the living God.”

Your private time with God is the reason for those life successes. Celebrate them.  Thank God for them. And, most importantly, remember what you learned about God. Use that knowledge the next time a Goliath rears its head.


Father, thank you for your Word and thank you that our private time with you always yields public victory.  As we celebrate our private successes, allow us the courage of David, your servant, to face every challenge in our path. In the precious name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

1 Mary Nelle Schaap, David’s Lord-Seeing God in the life of David. 1989, Baker Book House.

MaryAnn LaGrone

MaryAnn has served in ministry in the kingdom of God for many years, serving as the Pastor of Education in her church. She has served on the Sheperd’s team and developed children’s ministries, education ministries, and discipleship ministries training both layman and licensed ministers.


God of the Valley


Who is Holy Spirit